Effective 1/1/2024
4 Year Labor Guarantee
We provide upfront pricing for all our work, either by standard flat-rate service prices or job quotes. For all jobs, there is a $120 minimum per visit.
Fixed Price Job Quote
Flat Rate Services
Fixed Price Job Quote
For larger jobs or non-standard requests where an upfront fixed price is desired. Call, text, or fill out our contact form to receive a quote. Please include photos of the work to be done.
Flat Rate Services
Fixed prices for the most common tasks requested. Pricing includes incidental materials, but not large items like actual lights, faucets, fans, tv mounts, toilets, sinks, disposals, plumbing supplies, etc.
Replace single pole breaker $45
Replace double pole breaker $52.50
Replace GFCI/AFCI breaker $60
Reset tripped breaker $30
Change dryer connection to plug or hardwire $67.50
Change range connection to plug or hardwire $67.50
Change disposal connection to plug or hardwire $67.50
Replace Door Bell Button $45
Replace Chime only $45
Install a cordless door bell and button $90
Replace a transformer at known location $60
Install or replace fan with existing approved fan box (max height 10') $112.50
Replace ceiling electrical box with retrofit fan box (includes hardware) $110
Replace bathroom exhaust fan (same model) $90
Replace bathroom exhaust fan (different model) $135
Light Fixtures
(all fixtures limited to 10' height)
Light fixture replacement/installation $67.50
Chandelier replacement/installation (existing approved box) $120
Ballast replacement $90
Recessed lighting (quote only)
Install new outlet/junction box, existing circuit $105
110v Receptacle replacement $52.50
Replace with GFCI $67.50
220v Appliance Receptacle replacement $90
Smoke Alarms
Change batteries each alarm $15
Replacement of existing smoke alarm $37.50
Install battery powered smoke alarm $37.50
Replace hardwired smoke alarm $60
TV Mounting
Mount TV bracket and hang TV
1 man, outlet present where TV to be located $120
Each additional man needed $90
Install receptacle $105
Install wire routing junction boxes $90
Kitchen faucet replacement $90
Shutoff valve replacement $67.50
Supply line replacement $30
Garbage disposal replacement $90
Unjam garbage disposal $45
Replace drop in sink $165
Replace under-mount sink $225
Install/repair drain pipe $45
Dishwasher installation $180
RO Water Filter installation (with existing holes for faucet) $150
Install/Repair Ice maker line $180
Repair Ice Maker $180
Re-caulk around countertop and wall $90
Unclog/Snake drain or toilet $60
Bathroom faucet replacement $90
Repair/replace popup handle stopper $45
Replace shutoff valve $67.50
Replace drop in sink $165
Replace under-mount sink 225
Replace toilet $210
Replace supply line for sink or toilet $30
Replace toilet leaky flapper seal $45
Replace toilet flush handle $45
Replace toilet overflow tube $45
Replace toilet water level control valve $90
Replace bathtub/shower faucet $135
Replace shower head $45
Replace tub spout $60
Install/replace shower curtain rod $45
Replace tub drain stopper $45
Remove old caulking from tub surround and vanity $90
Caulk tub surround and vanity $60
Replace laundry shutoff hose bib valves and drain box (Includes Level 2 drywall repair) $270
Install new water supply hoses $45
Replace washing machine drain hose $30
Unclog/Snake drain or toilet $60
Replace garden hose bib $45
Repair hole/damaged sheetrock wall up to 4sq ft (includes mudding, taping, sanding, texture, and priming) $360
Each additional sq ft in same area $15
On ceiling - add 20%
Add two coats of paint up to 36sq ft $120
Room Painting - by quote
Cover water stains with primer and paint, up to 16 sq ft $180
Custom color and sheen matching $105
Install interior door $180
Install pre-hung interior door $270
Install/replace door or window trim (includes caulking, filling, sanding, painting)
1st piece $90
Each additional piece $30
Install pre-hung exterior door $360
Install/replace security screen door $270
Adjust door fitment if possible $60
Replace door knob $30
Replace deadbolt $30
Install/replace hinges (qty 3) $67.50
Install/hang picture (some restrictions may apply) $22.5
Install/replace safety grab bar $60
Install/replace towel bar or tissue holder $37.50
Install/replace curtain rod $45
Install blinds $60
Install closet doors $180
Replace HVAC air filter $22.50
Clean Mini-Split air handler filter $30
Clean air conditioner condenser coils $90
Vanity mirror replacement/installation $60
Medicine cabinet replacement $45
Bathroom Vanity Installation/Replacement (single sink) $180